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Cruzado-Vargas, A.L., Blanco-García, A., Lindig-Cisneros, R., Gómez-Romero, M., Lopez-Toledo, L., de la Barrera, E., Sáenz-Romero, C. 2021. Reciprocal common garden altitudinal transplants reveal potential negative impacts of climate change on Abies religiosa populations in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve overwintering sites. Forests 12, 69.

Delgado-Martínez, C.M., D. Spaan, F.M. Contreras-Moreno, D.E. Simá-Pantí & E. Mendoza. 2021. Spider monkey use of natural and artificial terrestrial water sources in Calakmul, Mexico. Behaviour, 1(aop), 1-15.

Gómez-Pineda E., Blanco-García, A., Lindig-Cisneros, R. O’Neill, G.A., Lopez-Toledo, L., Sáenz-Romero, C. 2021. Pinus pseudostrobus assisted migration trial with rain exclusion: maintaining Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve forest cover in an environment affected by climate change. New Forests. Early View.

Hernández-Guzmán, R., Ruiz-Luna, A., & Mendoza, E. (2021). Sara4r: an R graphical user interface (GUI) to estimate watershed surface runoff applying the NRCS – curve number method. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 23 (1), 76-87

José Luis Nieves-Aldrey, James A. Nicholls, Chang-Ti Tang3, George Melika, Graham N. Stone5, Juli Pujade-Villar , Matthew Buffington, Yurixhi Maldonado, & Enrique Medianero. 2021. Re-description and systematic re-appraisal of the genus Kokkocynips Pujade-Villar & Melika, (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini), including new combinations of Nearctic species and the description of a new species from Panama. Zootaxa 4938 (2): 205–232

Macedo-Santana, F., Flores-Tolentino, M., & Hernández-Guzmán, R. 2021. Diversity patterns of palms in Mexico using species distribution models. Écoscience.

Marroquín-Páramo, J. A., Suazo-Ortuño, I., Urbina-Cardona, N., y Benítez-Malvido, J. 2021. Cumulative effects of high intensity hurricanes on herpetofaunal assemblages along a tropical dry forest chronosequence. Forest Ecology and Management, 479, 118505.

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Nava-González, B., Suazo-Ortuño, I., López, P.B., Maldonado-López, Y., Lopez-Toledo, L., Raggi, L., Parra-Olea, G., Alvarado-Díaz, J. Gómez-Gil, B. 2021. Inhibition of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection by skin bacterial communities in wild amphibian populations. Microbial Ecology. Early View.

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Ruiz-Luna, A., Martínez-Peralta, C., Eichler, P.P.B., Teixeira, L.R., Acosta-Morel, M., Hernández-Guzmán, R., & Iwama A.W. (2021). Comparing vulnerability and institutional capacities in three Latin American coastal localities in response to extreme rainfall events. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 25, 1-14

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Aguilar-Peralta, J. S., González-Rodríguez, A., Maldonado-López, Y., Fagundes, M., Faria, M. L., Ávila-Cabadilla, L. D., … & Cuevas-Reyes, P. (2020). Contrasting patterns of morphology, fluctuating asymmetry and leaf herbivory in three plant species of different successional stages of a tropical dry forest. Trees, 34(4), 1075-1086.

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Ernesto Raya-García, Javier Alvarado-Díaz, Ireri Suazo-Ortuño y Leonel Lopez-Toledo. 2020. Chemosensory responses in newborns of the fossorial earthsnake Conopsis biserialis (Serpentes: Colubridae) to potential invertebrate prey scents. SALAMANDRA 56(1): 87–90. 15 February 2020ISSN 0036–3375

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Montijo-Galindo, A., Ruiz-Luna, A., Betancourt-Lozano, M., & Hernández-Guzmán, R. (2020). A Multicriteria Assessment of Vulnerability to Extreme Rainfall Events on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Coastal Management, 48 (6), 623-642

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Raya-García, R., I. Suazo-Ortuño, J. Campos-García, J. Martín, J. Alvarado-Díaz, E. Mendoza-Ramírez. 2020. Chemical signal divergence among populations influences behavioral discrimination in the whiptail lizard Aspidoscelis lineattissimus (squamata: teiidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74:147.

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Hernández-Guzmán R., Ruiz-Luna, A., and A. Cervantes-Escobar (2019). Environmental flow assessment for rivers feeding a coastal wetland complex in the Pacific coast of northwest Mexico. Water and Environment Journal, 33(4), 536-546. DOI: 10.1111/wej.12423

Hernández-Guzmán, R., Ruiz-Luna, A., and C. González (2019). Assessing and modeling the impact of land use and changes in land cover related to carbon storage in a western basin in Mexico. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 13, 318-327. DOI: 10.1016/j.rsase.2018.12.005

Hernández-Rodríguez E., Luis Escalera-Vázquez, Jaime M. Calderón-Patrón y Eduardo Mendoza (2019). Medium and large mammals in reduced-impact logging and conservation sites in Sierra Juárez, Oaxaca. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 90: e902776. ISSN 2007-8706. DOI: (Documento probatorio) Link:

Luis Escalera-Vázquez, Jesús Elías García López, Atahualpa Sosa-López, Nancy Calderón Cortés and Demián Hinojosa-Garro (2019). Impact of the non-native locariid Pterygoplichthys pardalis in native fish community on a seasonal tropical floodplain in Mexico. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. ISSN 1462-4988. (Documento probatorio) Link:

Maldonado-López Yurixhi, Cuevas-Reyes Pablo, Vaca-Sánchez Marcela Sofía, Canché-Delgado Armando, García-Jaín Silvia Ecaterina, Fernandes G. Wilson, González-Rodríguez Antonio. 2019. Herbivory susceptibility of mangrove species in disturbed habitats: Importance of fluctuating asymmetry as indicator of environmental stress. Wetlands Ecology and Managment. ACEPTADO

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Cuevas-Reyes Pablo, Canché-Delgado Armando, Maldonado-López Yurixhi, Fernandes G.Wilson, Oyama Ken, & González-Rodríguez Antonio (2018). Patterns of herbivory and leaf morphology in two Mexican hybrid oak complexes: Importance of fluctuating asymmetry as indicator of environmental stress in hybrid plants. Ecological Indicators 90:164–170.

Cuevas-Reyes Pablo, Novais Pereira Geanne Carla, Gélvez-Zúñiga Irene, Fernandes G.Wilson, Venâncio Henrique, Santos Jean Carlos, & Maldonado-López Yurixhi (2018). Effects of ferric soils on arthropod abundance and herbivory on Tibouchina heteromalla (Melastomataceae): importance of fluctuating asymmetry as indicator of environmental stress. Plant Ecology, 219 (1):69–78.

Dulce Stefany Arreola-Rivera, Yurixhi Maldonado-López y Pablo Cuevas-Reyes. (2018). Patrones de asimetría fluctuante y herbivoría de Rhizophora mangle en la Mancha Veracruz: importancia de la perturbación del hábitat. Entomología Mexicana ISSN 2448-475X, pp. 261-266

Escalera-Vázquez, L.H., Hernández-Guzmán, R., Soto-Rojas, C., and I. Suazo-Ortuño (2018). Predicting Ambystoma ordinarium habitat in Central Mexico using species distribution models. Herpetologica, 74(2), 117-126. DOI: 10.1655/Herpetologica-D-16-00078.1

González, C., A. Alvarez-Baños & E. Cuevas (2018). Floral biology and pollination mechanism of four Mexico-endemic Fuchsia species with contrasting reproductive systems. Journal of Plant Ecology 11:123-135

José Gerardo González-Esquivel, Luis Daniel Ávila-Cabadilla, Mariana Yolotl Álvarez-Añorve, AntonioGonzález-Rodríguez, Pablo Cuevas-Reyes y Yurixhi Maldonado-López (2018). Daño foliar causado por insectos herbívoros y su asociación con la asimetría fluctuante en Crotón suberosus (Domínguez et al., 1989) en bosques maduros y secundarios en Chamela, Jalisco. Entomología Mexicana ISSN 2448-475X, pp. 191-197

Lobit P., Gómez Tagle Ch. A., Bautista F., Lhomme J.P. 2018. Retrieving air humidity, global solar radiation and potential evapotranspiration from daily temperatures: development and validation of new methods for Mexico. Part III: Potential evapotranspiration. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 133 (3–4), 787–797.

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Maldonado-López Yurixhi, Vaca-Sánchez Marcela Sofía, González-Rodríguez Antonio, Oyama Ken, López-Barbosa Edmundo, Fagundes Marcilio, Cuevas-Reyes Pablo. 2018. Hybridization increases canopy arthropod diversity in the Quercus affinis × Quercus laurina complex. Journal of Insect Conservation (2018) 22:781–793

Marcela Sofía Vaca-Sánchez, Antonio González-Rodríguez, Yurixhi Maldonado-López, Edmundo López-Barbosa y Pablo Cuevas-Reyes (2018). Composición de la comunidad de artrópodos asociados al dosel de Quercus laurina a lo largo de un gradiente con diversidad de especies de encinos. Entomología Mexicana ISSN 2448-475X, pp. 204-210

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Schank, C.J., Cove, M.V., Kelly, M.J., Mendoza, E., O’Farrill, G., Reyna‐Hurtado, R., Meyer, N., Jordan, C.A., González‐Maya, J.F., Lizcano, D.J. and Moreno, R., 2017. Using a novel model approach to assess the distribution and conservation status of the endangered Baird’s tapir. Diversity and Distributions, 23(12), pp.1459-1471.

Arturo Ruiz-Luna, Rafael Hernández-Guzmán, Francisco J. García-De León, Alejandro L. Ramírez-Huerta. 2017. Potential distribution of endangered Mexican golden trout (Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) in the Rio Sinaloa and Rio Culiacan basins (Sierra Madre Occidental) based on landscape characterization and species distribution models. Environmental Biology of Fishes

Pablo Cuevas-Reyes, Geanne Carla Novais Pereira, Irene Gélvez-Zúñiga, G. Wilson Fernandes, Henrique Venâncio, Jean Carlos Santos, Yurixhi Maldonado-López. 2017. Effects of ferric soils on arthropod abundance and herbivory on Tibouchina heteromalla (Melastomataceae): is fluctuating asymmetry a good indicator of environmental stress?. Plant Ecology

Ma. A. Herrera-Vargas, Esperanza Meléndez-Herrera, Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina, Fany E. Bucio-Piña, Armida Báez-Saldaña, Héctor H. Siliceo-Cantero and Alma L. Fuentes-Farías. 2017. Hatchlings of the marine turtle Lepidochelys olivacea display signs of prenatal stress at emergence after being incubated in man-made nests: a preliminary report. Frontiers in Marine Science

P. Lobit, Alberto Gómez Tagle, F. Bautista, J. P. Lhomme. 2017. Retrieving air humidity, global solar radiation, and reference evapotranspiration from daily temperatures: development and validation of new methods for Mexico. Part III: reference evapotranspiration. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

P. Lobit, L. López Pérez, J. P. Lhomme, Alberto Gómez Tagle. 2017. Retrieving air humidity, global solar radiation, and reference evapotranspiration from daily temperatures: development and validation of new methods for Mexico. Part I: humidity. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

Martina Medina Nava, Luis Humberto Escalera Vázquez, Yvonne Herrerías Diego, Rubén Hernández Morales, David Tafolla Venegas, Berenice Vital Rodríguez, Mar-Silva V., Ramírez-García A., Mar-Silva L.M., Chávez-G. R.R. og Omar Dominguez Dominguez. 2017. Fremskridt i genintroduktion af Zoogoneticus tequila i kilderne i Teuchitlán, Jalisco, México (del 2). Poecilia Bladet

Santiago Ramírez-Barahona, Clementina González, Antonio González Rodríguez and Juan Francisco Ornelas. 2017. The influence of climatic niche preferences on the population genetic structure of a mistletoe species complex. New Phytologist

Pablo Cuevas-Reyes, Griselda Pérez López, Yurixhi Maldonado López, Antonio González Rodríguez. 2017. Effects of herbivory and mistletoe infection by Psittacanthus calyculatus on nutritional quality and chemical defense of Quercus deserticola along Mexican forest fragments. Plant Ecol

Yesenia Fraga Ramírez, Ireri Suazo Ortuño, Luis Daniel Avila Cabadilla, Mariana Alvarez Añorve, Javier Alvarado Díaz. 2017. Multiscale analysis of factors influencing herpetofaunal assemblages in early successional stages of a tropical dry forest in western Mexico. Biological Conservation

Jorge Alejandro Marroquín Páramo, Ireri Suazo-Ortuño, Eduardo Mendoza, Javier Alvarado Díaz y Héctor Hugo Siliceo Cantero. 2017. Diversidad de la herpetofauna en huertos de aguacate y hábitats conservados en Michoacán, México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 88 (2017) 234–240

Yunuen Soto-Sandoval, Ireri Suazo-Ortuño, Nicolás Urbina-Cardona, Jorge Marroquín-Páramo & Javier Alvarado-Díaz. 2017. Efecto de los estadios sucesionales del bosque tropical seco sobre el microhábitat usado por Agalychnis dacnicolor (Anura: Phyllomedusidae) y Smilisca fodiens (Anura: Hylidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 65 (2): 777-798.

Diana Ramírez-Mejía, Gabriela Cuevas, Paula Meli, Eduardo Mendoza. 2017. Land use and cover change scenarios in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor-Chiapas, México. Botanical Sciences 95 (2): 1-12

M. Gil–Fernández, C. Muench, D. A. Gómez–Hoyos, A. Dueñas, S. Escobar–Lasso, G. Aguilar–Raya & E. Mendoza. 2017. Wild felid species richness affected by a corridor in the Lacandona forest, Mexico. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 40.1

Tiberio C. Monterrubio-Rico, Juan F. Charre-Medellín, Marco Z. Pérez-Martínez and Eduardo Mendoza. 2017. Use of remote cameras to evaluate ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) population parameters in seasonal tropical dry forests of central-western Mexico. Mammalia-2016-0114.

Alfonso Sinuhé Zavala-Páramo, Ken Oyama, Eduardo Mendoza, María Guadalupe Zavala-Páramo, John Pollinger, Thomas B. Smith. 2017. Genetic variability in captive individuals of the endangered species Tapirus bairdii in Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad

Ernesto Raya-García y Javier Alvarado-Díaz. 2017. Serpientes: Una vida como presas y depredadores. Boletín Drosophila nº 23.


Juan Francisco Ornelas, Clementina Gonzalez, Blanca E. Hernandez Baños & Jaime García Moreno. 2016. Molecular and iridescent feather reflectance data reveal recent genetic diversification and phenotypic differentiation in a cloud forest hummingbird. Ecology and Evolution 2016; 6(4): 1104–1127

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Nancy Calderón Cortés, Claudia A. Uribe Mú, A. Karen Martínez Méndez, Luis H. Escalera Vázquez, E. Jacob Cristobal Pérez, Felipe García Oliva, Mauricio Quesada. 2016. Ecosystem engineering and manipulation of host plant tissues by the insect borer Oncideres albomarginata Chamela. Journal of Insect Physiology 84 (2016) 128–136

Rafael Hernández Guzmán, Arturo Ruiz Luna, César A. Berlanga Robles & Jesús T. Ponce-Palafox. 2016. Analysis of flood pulse dynamics in the lower basin of the San Pedro River (Northwestern Mexico) using remote sensing. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 44(2): 293-304, 2016

Arturo Ruiz Luna, Rafael Hernández Guzmán, Francisco Javier García De León, Alejandro L. Ramírez Huerta. 2016. Predicción de la distribución geográfica de trucha dorada Oncorhynchus chrysogaster (Needham y Gard 1964) en los ríos Sinaloa y Culiacán, México. La trucha dorada mexicana, ISBN: 978-607-7900-26-9

Perla Jannet Rivera Velázquez, Arturo Ruiz-Luna, Rafael Hernández Guzmán, Nicolás Castañeda Lomas. 2016. Estimación de la incertidumbre en evaluaciones de cobertura de manglar: estudio de caso en el sistema lagunar Navachiste-Macapule (Sinaloa, México). Estudios territoriales en México: percepción remota y sistemas de información espacial. ISBN electrónico: 978-607-520-215-0

Yurixhi Maldonado López, Pablo Cuevas Reyes, Ken Oyama. 2016. Diversity of gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) associated with oak trees (Fagaceae: Quercus) in a fragmented landscape in Mexico. Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2016) 10:29–39

Hernández Morales Rubén, Rojo Soto Georgina Jazmín, Aguilera Ríos María Silvia, Ortega Murillo María del Rosario, Gómez-Tagle Chávez Alberto. 2016. Incidencia de cuadros patológicos asociados al género Microcystis en el lago de Zirahuén. Biológicas, 18(2): 40 – 50

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Omar Hernández Ordóñez e Ireri Suazo Ortuño. 2016. Anfibios y reptiles en bosques tropicales y subtropicales en ambientes afectados por actividades agropecuarias: una revisión global. REFAMA.

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Rafael Hernández Guzmán, Arturo Ruiz Luna. 2016. Caracterización paisajística e hidrológica de la Sierra Madre Occidental utilizando técnicas de Percepción Remota, Modelos Digitales de Elevación y Sistemas de Información Geográfica. La Trucha Dorada Mexicana.

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B.E. Marín-Castro, D. Geissert, S. Negrete-Yankelevich, A. Gómez-Tagle Chávez. 2016. Spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity in soils of secondary tropical montane cloud forests and shade coffee agroecosystems. Geoderma 283 57–67.

Martha B. Rendón-López, M. Luisa Suarez Alonso, Gloria L. Ayala-Ramírez, Yazmín Hernández-Linares, Alberto Gómez-Tagle Chávez, Julio C. Medina-Ávila, M. Rosario Vidal-Abarca. 2016. Nutrients retention in a small subtropical wetland (México). J. Limnol., 75(s1): 17-30 DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2016.1363

D. Toscano-Tejeida, A. Ibarra, B.V. Phillips-Farfán, A.L. Fuentes-Farías, E. Meléndez-Herrera. 2016. ACAID as a potential therapeutic approach to modulate inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases. Medical Hypotheses 88, 38–45.

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Angela A. Camargo-Sanabria, Eduardo Mendoza. 2016. Interactions between terrestrial mammals and the fruits of two neotropical rainforest tree species. Acta Oecologica 73:45-52.

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Angela A. Camargo-Sanabria, Eduardo Mendoza, Roger Guevara, Miguel Martínez-Ramos & Rodolfo Dirzo. 2016. Experimental defaunation of terrestrial mammalian herbivores alters tropical rain forest understorey diversity

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Lyssette Elena Muñoz-Villers, Friso Holwerda, María Susana Alvarado-Barrientos, Daniel Geissert, Beatriz Marín-Castro, Alberto Gómez-Tagle, Jeffrey McDonnell, Heidi Asbjornsen, Todd Dawson, Leendert Adrian Bruijnzeel. 2015. Efectos hidrológicos de la conversión del bosque de niebla en el centro de Veracruz, México. BOSQUE 36(3): 395-407. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002015000300007

Alberto Gómez-Tagle Ch., A Francisco Gómez-Tagle R., J Alejandro Ávila O., Leendert Adrian Bruijnzeel. 2015. Partición de la precipitación en un bosque tropical montano de pino-encino en el centro de México. BOSQUE 36(3): 505-518. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002015000300017

Juan Felipe Charre-Medellin, Cesar Monterrubio-Rico, Daniel Guido Lemus and Eduardo Mendoza. 2015. Distribution patterns of wild felids (Carnivora: Felidae) in the dry tropics of Central-Western Mexico. Revista de Biología tropical 63(3):783-797.

María Luisa García Zepeda, Alejandro H. Marín Leyva, Mayte Gutiérrez Bedolla, Andrea Villegas Chapa, Roberto Díaz Sibaja, J. Ramón López García, Joaquín Arroyo Cabrales, Alma Lilia Fuentes Farías. 2015. Fauna fósil de Ciudad Universitaria (UMSNH), Morelia, Michoacán, México: implicaciones paleoambientales. Biológicas, 17(1): 1–11.

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Lopez-Toledo, L., Espinoza-Hidalgo, C., Horn, C., Endress, B.A. 2015. Manejo tradicional y demografía de la palma Brahea aculeata en una selva seca del sur de Sonora, México. Botanical Sciences.

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Pelayo Gómez, A. L., Talavera Carrillo, D. K., Martínez Alcantar, L., Secundino, J. M., Pineda Salazar, J. U., Fuentes Farías, A. L. & Meléndez Herrera, E. (2015). Inducción de inmunotolerancia sistémica como estrategia preventiva o terapeútica para trastornos degenerativos que cursan con inflamación crónica. Acta Universitaria, 25(NE-1), 39-43. doi: 10.15174/au.2015.761

Raya-García E., I. Suazo-Ortuño and J. Alvarado-Díaz. 2015. Diet of the Tepalcatepec valley whiptail Aspidoscelis calidipes (Squamata: teiidae), in Michoacán, México. The Southwestern Naturalist 60(1): 1-4.

Raya-García E., J. Alvarado-Díaz and I. Suazo-Ortuño. 2015. Litter size and relative clutch mass of the earth snakes Conopsis biserialis Taylor and Smith, 1942, and C. nasus Günther, 1858 (Serpentes: Colubridae) from the central Mexican Transvolcanic Axis. Salamandra (ACEPTADO).


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Esperanza Meléndez-Herrera, Bryan Víctor Phillips-Farfán, Fany Edith Bucio-Piña, Noemí Ramírez-Arrés, Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina, Ireri Suazo-Ortuño, Javier Alvarado-Díaz and Alma Lilia Fuentes-Farías. Morphological Traits in Diaglena spatulata Female Frogs Thriving in Conserved and Perturbed Habitats: A Preliminary Reportand Its Implications for Amphibian Survivaland Continuity. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2014, 5, 740-747

Meléndez-Herrera, E., et al. (2014). Studying Some Brain and Ovarian Morphological Traits in Diaglena spatulata Female Frogs Thriving in Conserved and Perturbed Habitats: A Preliminary Report and Its Implications for Amphibian Survival and Continuity. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 5, 740-747.

Robert W. Bryson, Jr., Charles W. Linkem, Michael E. Dorcas, Amy Lathrop, Jason M. Jones, Javier Alvarado-Díaz, Christoph I. Grünwald & Robert W. 2014. Murphy. Multilocus species delimitation in the Crotalus triseriatus species group (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae), with the description of two new species. ZOOTAXA • JULY 2014. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3826.3.3

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Selene Maldonado-López, Yurixhi Maldonado-López, Alberto Gómez-Tagle Ch., Pablo Cuevas-Reyes and Kathryn E. Stoner. 2014. Patterns of infection by intestinal parasites in sympatric howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) and spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) populations in a tropical dry forest in Costa Rica. DOI 10.1007/s10329-014-0413-7

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